This is me...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
WEEK 7 (23 AUGUST 2010)
Today, Puan Foziah gives us permission to continue with our MODULE 1. This gives me great opportunity to continue my MODULE 1 which I haven’t completed. This is because, at my house, I am using wi-max. Sometimes, when it is rainy day, I couldn’t connect to internet. Since internet connection is speed in Computer laboratory, I manage to complete about 10 tutorial tasks.
So, my plan for this WEEK 7 is, to follow and do my own tutorial based on the following:
1.3 Uploading
1.3.1 Yahoo mail
1.3.2 Windows live
1.3.3 Photobucket
1.3.4 Mediafire
1.3.5 4shared
1.3.6 Esnips
1.4 Encoding
1.4.1 Mp3 to WAV format using Audacity
1.4.2 Mp3 to WAV format using Fast Audio Convert3 to Software
1.4.3 MIDI to Mp3 format using Switch Sound File Converter
1.4.4 MID file to WMA file using Jet Audio
1.4.5 Mp3 to WMA file using Jet Audio
1.4.6 WMA to Mp3 using Mp3 converter
1.4.7 Video to Mp3 using Riva Encoder
1.4.8 AVI to flash Riva Encoder
1.4.9 Convert video format using Ulead Videostudio
1.4.10 Watch video online using “youtube’
1.4.11 Listen to music online using “jango”
1.5 Storing
1.5.1 Burning files into CD using Nero
1.5.2 Store in pendrive
1.5.3 Store in external hard disk
1.5.4 Storing online using youtube
1.5.5 Storing online using 4shared
1.5.6 Storing online using Photo Bucket
1.5.7 Storing online using windows live
1.6 Scanning
1.6.1 Text
1.6.2 Picture
1.7 Burning
1.7.1 Burn CD using Nero Smartstart
1.7.2 Burn CD
1.7.3 Burn DVD
To be honest, the term ‘”download’ is far more familiar with me as compare to “uploading” which is something new for me. As I Google,
"Uploading" is another way of describing the transfer of local files (files stored on your computer) to a server connected to the Internet. The process is sometimes referred to as "publishing" or "put", and it usually involves utilizing the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
I never try to upload mp3 before. However, after I follow the steps in MODULE 1, I manage to upload successfully. This gives me great experience as now I can even upload and share to the world. Moreover, I also manage to upload pictures at photo bucket. This gives me great opportunity and extends my computer skills.
When I reach at “Enconding” I wonder what it is all about. I immediately Google and I find out that it refer to:
“The activity of converting data or information into code”
“Encoding is the process of transforming information from one format into another. The opposite operation is called decoding. This is often used in many digital devices”
“In the study of memory, encoding is the processing of physical sensory input into one's memory. It is considered the first of three steps in memory information processing; the remaining two steps are storage and retrieval. ...”
“The way in which symbols are mapped onto bytes, e.g. in the rendering of a particular font, or in the mapping from keyboard input into visual text; A conversion of plain text into a code or cypher form (for decoding by the recipient)”
In short, from these definitions, I can conclude that “encoding” means to convert plain text into code or in other word to convert source information into another form. I managed to encode some of files like MP3.
I questioned myself:
Why we need to encode an audio file?
Why we need to encode an audio file?
As I Google more to read about encoding, I realize that an audio file of high quality take much space on your hard drive. Certainly, it has very good sound, but it’s too big. These wav files occupy much space on your hard disk; ultimately devices with a large memory can’t contain many audio files without encoding. To compress a file is necessary to get rid of some of the information. Usually have less information means losing ‘details’, ie, have a lower resolution or quality. For example, the Mp3 format is able to compress the music files, without losing too much quality. That is why the MP3 format became so popular. In addition, the use in MP3 of a lossy compression algorithm is designed to greatly reduce the amount of data required to represent the audio recording and still sound like a faithful reproduction of the original uncompressed audio for most listeners. An MP3 file that is created using the mid-range bit rate setting of 128 kbit/s will result in a file that is typically about 1/10th the size of the CD file created from the original audio source. So, I understand that by encoding a wav file to mp3 we save disc space but maintain a good quality.
I also watch some videos which help me to understand more about the encoding.
Moreover, I also learn how to burn. Burning is the term used for creating your own, custom CD using your computer. For instance, you may wish to make a mix CD that contains songs from a number of different CDs. You would assemble this CD in iTunes or a similar program, and then create the CD, recording the songs onto the blank disc. The process of recording the CD is called burning. For example, if you recorded your own custom mix CD with your computer, you would say that you "burned" that CD.In short; I learnt new skills on how to burn.
I also watched this video to ensure my steps are correct apart from MODULE 1:
I have no problem in scanning, since I have tried many times to scan since last year. I have done to scan text and picture. It is hope that I will face no problem when I need to scan important documents in school later.
In conclusion, it is hope that by learning and completing these skills, it will enrich my skills in technology. Today’s lesson really extends my creativity and see technology as effective alternative for teaching aids/resources compare to traditional teaching aids. It is hope that I can apply what I have lean. It is hoped that by learning computer skills I can be 21 st century educator.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
WEEK 6 (16 AUGUST 2010)
Today, before the classs start, Puan Foziah asked 3 volunteers which were me, Chrispin and Teoh Jen Sen to collect photocopy MODULE 1 from photocopy shop. Next, we are asked to distribute to each one of us. Next, Puan Foziah brief to us about the MODULE 1 in term of its objective, content and task that we should do.
Puan Foziah had introduced to us:
Puan Foziah told us that MODULE 1 is especially prepared for teachers or anyone else who would like to upgrade technology skills even with zero technology knowledge. The MODULE 1 is divided in to three sections which are the objectives of the module, the actual tutorials and the task given to evaluate what had been learned.
I notice that, in this module, it comprises of actual tutorial steps by steps of:
Web search
Downloading from internet
Uploading materials on the internet
Encoding materials
Storing and storage of materials
Burning materials
Compressing files
As I analyze the MODULE 1, I notice that there are 9 main objectives of this MODULE as follows:
(1) Carry out a search procedure to find pictures, text, software, gifts, images, animations, PDF files, journal articles, online games, as well as songs either for educational or personal use.
(2) Download software, video and audio files as PDF documents from the internet eg.Youtube.
(3) Upload files as attachment to yahoo mail, windows live, pictures to photobucket, flicker and Youtube, share files over media fire, 4 shared and esnips.
(4) Encode, convert audio and video files to be used for educational and personal purposes from various sources.
(5) Store files on various storage facilities such as CD-rom, pendrive, external hardisks, online storing in youtube, 4shared, photobucket, and windows live. They should also learn to Burn CD and DVD’s.
(6) Scan documents and pictures.
(7) Sending emails as attachment in yahoo, gmail and windows live.
(8) Compressing files for transfer using rar or winzip.
(9) File conversion of the various kinds.
From these 9 objectives I am clear the specific details of what shall I accomplish when I am carry out the actual tutorial. From this, I also realize that, by doing this tutorial, it ultimately will help me to train myself to be future teacher who are techno-savvy in finding resources for my teaching later. There are many things that I can learn from this module which also can help me to find effective and variety of resources for my teaching career. For example, I can learn how to download animation to be used for set induction in the English lesson.
As I open the MODULE 1, I notice that there are 9 main skills that I am going to explore. It include:
1.1 Web Search
1.2 Downloading
1.3 Uploading
1.4 Encoding
1.5 Storing
1.6 Scanning
1.7 Burning
1.8 Sending e-mail
1.9 Compressing files
To be honest, I do not know the skills of encoding, burning and compressing files. As I open and try out myself, I notice there are steps shown by the tutorial inside the MODULE 1. It is hope that I am going to learn the skills by the end of 30 August 2010.(which date due for completion of this MODULE 1)
So, my plan for this WEEK 6 is, to follow and do my own tutorial based on the following:
1.1 Web search
1.1.2 Texts
1.1.3 Software
1.1.4 Gift
1.1.5 Image
1.1.6 Animation
1.1.7 PDF
1.1.8 Journal Article
1.1.9 Online games
1.1.10 Song
1.2 Downloading
1.2.1 Software Bit torrent Skype Freeware (picasa)
1.2.1..4 P2p transfer Riva Encoder Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) Internet Download Manager Internet Download Accelerator Orbit Downloader Youtube Downloader Ares Moyea FLV Dowbloader
1.2.2 Video from internet Using Keep-Vid Using Real Player Using DAP Using
1.2.3 PDF Document
In conclusion, it is hope that by learning and completing these skills, it will enrich my skills in technology. Today’s lesson really extends my creativity and see technology as effective alternative for teaching aids/resources compare to traditional teaching aids. It is hope that I can apply what I have lean. To Puan Foziah, thank you, it really HELP ME!
* I manage to download Video entitled Mizz Nina feat.Colby O'Donis - What you waiting for [ Official Music Video ]
Friday, August 13, 2010
List of Chapters: KBSR Syllabus
Unit | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
1. | Hello | Hello | Home Sweet Home | What Do You Like? | Family First | Wonderfully Made |
2. | Making Friends | My School | My Neighborhood | Looking Good | Travel and Adventure | Proud to be Malaysian |
3. | My Body | Counting is Fun | Sea World | Healthy Living | Saving Our Environment | Fit as a Fiddle |
4. | Places In My School | Liza’s Family | Animal and Pets | Story Time | Animal and Us | Magical Movements |
5. | My Family | Making a Robot | Once Upon a Time | Getting Connected | Beautiful Harvest | Sounds of Music |
6. | Learning About… | Story Time | Fun Times | Moving Around | Glorious Food | Splashes of Colors |
7. | How do I get there? | Follow Me | Working People | Living in Harmony | People | Beautiful World |
8. | Today Is | The Animal World | Before and Now | More Stories | Inventions | Environmental Issues |
9. | Let Us Learn More | In The Garden | Flora and Fauna | Come Rain or Shine | Culture and Traditions | Exchanging Messages |
10. | Let Us Put It Together | Food I Like | Beautiful Malaysia | Malaysia, My Country | What Games Do You Play? | Remarkable Achievers |
11. | Fun Time At School | Where Do You Live? | Growing Pains | |||
12. | Story Time Again | The Internet | A Day to Remember |
Then, we are assigned for a task whereby we need to find teaching resources from internet.
My partner and I we given these topics:
YEAR 4: Unit 7 (Living in Harmony)
YEAR 5: Unit 7 (People)
YEAR 6: Unit 7 (Beautiful World)
As I Google the internet, I realize that we can find and download many teaching resources that suitable to be used in English lesson. Thus, this is something new for me as I never thought that we can rely on internet. Before this, I always thought that, we need to use lot papers, pastel colors, drawing block to make teaching aids. This is really consuming time and energy.
Thank you to Puan Foziah for the last week lesson. I finally learnt on how to download videos and songs. This really helps me when I carry out the task given. I believe that as future teachers we should be independent and good at technology as technology can be effective tools for teaching.
Puan Foziah also gives us format for our task. It really helps to organize our suggested teaching resources systematically in table. The format is in the following.
Year 1, Topic 1 My body
Stages Of the lesson | Kinds of teaching aids | Rationale | Comments |
Induction | Video Explain the content of the video · Video in soft copy · Video in hard copy · Here u need to printscreen | Why do u want to use that particular teaching aids for that particular stage of the lesson | ** |
Pre | |||
While | |||
Post | |||
Follow-stage | |||
(Need not have only one TA for one stage (the more u have the better
You need to submit:
One word document (hard copy)
One set softcopy of everything ( in a CD)
Dateline this Thursday: before 4 pm
As I find the teaching resources, I notice that we cannot simply choose any teaching resources to be downloaded. It may not SUITABLE for Malaysian setting or not in line with KBSR syllabus. So, personally I think that we should consider these criteria:
ü Must have educational background/values of teaching aids.
ü Modify the material if necessary.
ü Find plain English or local language(s) in the active tense
ü Avoid irrelevant material.
ü Appropriate text which using bold, appropriate size and style fonts and color when finding teaching resources.
ü Use colorful pictures when the message can be conveyed in this way.
ü Refer to KBSR syllabus.
ü Must be interesting and attractive to students
ü Promote teaching points
ü Practical and suits for Malaysian classroom context.
As future teacher, I realize that I can search and download variety of teaching aids from internet such as:
Example of Links:
Example of Links:
Example of Links:
Example of Links:
Example of Links:
Example of Links:
Example of Links:
In conclusion, today’s lesson extend my creativity and see technology as effective alternative for teaching aids/resources compare to traditional teaching aids. It is hope that I can apply what I have leant to the classroom when I am posting later. To Puan Foziah, thank you, it really HELP!